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Captured Up Close

Historical Fiction For Modern Readers. My latest book Captured Up Close: 20th Century Short-Short Stories is available on Amazon and wherever you buy books.

About DC

My background is in theatre. While performing in an improvisation troupe, I discovered how much I enjoyed creating characters. It led to writing fiction. Unlike acting, I'm not confined by sex, age, or ethnicity. Writing fiction allows me the experience of becoming other people. In my collection from Stepping Up, I'm an eighty-five year-old ex-carny, a pansexual, gender fluid stand-up comedian, a Korean woman, an African American teenager, a rock legend, a gay man, a fourteen year-old boy and others.


I love reading aloud. I live through the characters, and it's an intimate exchange with an audience. 


My stories are visual. I often go to the places I write about. Location is important to me. Towns, cities, countries, all have a unique character unto themselves, and I bring that to my writing. Some of the stories in Stepping Up cross genres, others vary in length from flash fiction to novelette. 


For years, I've attended The UCLA Writer's Workshop and Studio, Nappa Conference, the Cambria Writer's Workshop and dozens of writer's conferences and workshops. 


I believe in giving to those who have enriched my life. H.A.R.T. Homeless Animal Rescue Team will receive a portion of my royalties from Stepping Up. Our cats have given us so much joy through the years, I'm glad I can say thank you with contributions from my book.